Sunday 27 September 2009

using the camera and the tripod

introduction in to how to use the camera and the tripod .we looked at a camera and became accustom to using it we then each had a go in recording something on it and then took out the tripods. our task was o then go out in o the school and our brief was to film a journey and use as many interesting camera shots as possible in my group was meron, ismail and i .
We began by deciding that our journey was going to be a simple journey to the canteen so our first shot was of Ishmail climbing the stairs s I was on the floor with a hand held camera shot zoomed in on his feet then as he climbed the stairs the shot zoomed out and the mis en scene was revealed. Then the camera was moved to the top of the stairs and we showed ishmail at the top walking toward the lift … he stopped and said hello to Ben this is when we zoomed in on that in counter to medium close up then Ishmail walked toward the camera. When the shot came in again I (Hiba) was in the place of Ishmail I walked toward the lift and Meron zoomed the camera in on me and had an extreme close up of my hand pressing the button of the lift .the next shot was of me and Meron leaving the lift (this was a 2 shot)and then the shot changed to a p.o.v shot however this was tainted by someone trying to put there hand in the shot . we continued this until we reached the canteen and the camera panned over the whole canteen and that is where it ended.

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