Sunday 27 September 2009

intro to thrillers (past student examples)

After looking at camera angles and shots we then looked at past student examples and established which ones we liked an why and which ones we thought weren't as good and why. we also looked at what a thriller is and established that " the thriller is a broad genre of literature,film,and television. it includes,often overlapping sub genres such as spy thrillers military thrillers,horror thrillers etc . Thrillers are know by there fast pace and frequent action . to conclude if it thrills its a thriller.
themes usually consist of the following :
*enigmas puzzles to be solves
*lone figure against the system
* conspiracy ....

here are the student videos we watched

Taken from BDC on Vimeo.

i liked the opening scene as i like the music playing over it it created a tense feeling to the audience however i felt it stopped abruptly in saying this however i wanted to know more . i liked the varied use of shots especially when the girl was climbing up the stairs and when they had a close up of the computer to emphasize the severity from this short clip i concluded that through different shots we can change the audiences idea of the whole piece.

i thought the opening sequence of this was really good i specifically
like the use of black and white and the different shots i thought this was used very effectively and i felt they fit the criteria of a thriller really well and as an audience it left you wanting to know more

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