Wednesday 30 September 2009

analysing seven

we watched he movie seven with brad pit, Morgan freeman and \Gwyneth Paltrow
Seven (also marketed as Se7en) is a 1995 American crime film directed by David Fincher and written by Andrew Kevin Walker. The story follows a retiring detective (Morgan Freeman) and his replacement (Brad Pitt), jointly investigating a series of ritualistic murders inspired by the seven deadly sins. However we are not made aware of this in the first 3 mins of film however from the first 3 mins film i concluded that they used many techniques in order to portray to the audience that it was a thriller : for example the use various types of shots such as a close up of morgan freeman putting on a tie this creates an intense feeling which again emphasizes the elements of a thriller . there was also allot of panning which gave a sense of slowly revealing something. furthermore there was also a use of a pov shot to show the story from the characters perspective . Non-diegetic sound is used in the opening scene and from the opening scene we can already deduce tat the film will be in a linear sequence in chronological order and that it will be naturalistic furthermore pathetic fallacy is used in the opening sequence with the rain reflecting there mood .

prelim task

we got in to groups and our task was to show continuity through different shots and have a dialogue within this . so our groups concept was to attempt to do a prison visit and use a small flashbacks and so various shots such as a pov shot and a 2 shot and over the shoulder however inevitably within the school it was hard to shoot it as the different sound Interferences and external people attempting to be in our shot however we feel like we have enough shots so during the editing we can have a good final piece

Sunday 27 September 2009

using the camera and the tripod

introduction in to how to use the camera and the tripod .we looked at a camera and became accustom to using it we then each had a go in recording something on it and then took out the tripods. our task was o then go out in o the school and our brief was to film a journey and use as many interesting camera shots as possible in my group was meron, ismail and i .
We began by deciding that our journey was going to be a simple journey to the canteen so our first shot was of Ishmail climbing the stairs s I was on the floor with a hand held camera shot zoomed in on his feet then as he climbed the stairs the shot zoomed out and the mis en scene was revealed. Then the camera was moved to the top of the stairs and we showed ishmail at the top walking toward the lift … he stopped and said hello to Ben this is when we zoomed in on that in counter to medium close up then Ishmail walked toward the camera. When the shot came in again I (Hiba) was in the place of Ishmail I walked toward the lift and Meron zoomed the camera in on me and had an extreme close up of my hand pressing the button of the lift .the next shot was of me and Meron leaving the lift (this was a 2 shot)and then the shot changed to a p.o.v shot however this was tainted by someone trying to put there hand in the shot . we continued this until we reached the canteen and the camera panned over the whole canteen and that is where it ended.

analysing the opening sequence of memento

The film starts of with a medium close up a poloroid picture that is developed and slowly begins to fade this gives the viewer connotations of a loss of memory whilst this is happening the credits are playing .
after this the whole scene looks like it is being rewound and then there are various close ups of objects like a bullet .Then you here a gun shot then it goes in to a black an white scene of the man in a room . After this the colour comes in and the actual story starts s already by this short 3 mins of film we can deduce as an audience that the film is not going in chronological order and probably starts with a flash back . furthermore the colour of the credits are blue which gives connotations of a cold nature and the man in the film might be cold hearted .
also the sounds in the film where a mixture of non diegetic and diegetic.


individual research on what a thriller is

for individual research on what a thriller is i went to leicester square empire and watched a film called 31 north 62 east
its about a corrupt government
whilst watching this film i identified many different shots and technique which fit the (main ) structure of a thriller
it has a assassination
it also has a puzzle to be solved however the audience already know it but the characters within the film don't know .
i went to watch the film to give me an idea about a thriller and possibly give me ideas for my own thriller that i will soon have to make .

intro to thrillers (past student examples)

After looking at camera angles and shots we then looked at past student examples and established which ones we liked an why and which ones we thought weren't as good and why. we also looked at what a thriller is and established that " the thriller is a broad genre of literature,film,and television. it includes,often overlapping sub genres such as spy thrillers military thrillers,horror thrillers etc . Thrillers are know by there fast pace and frequent action . to conclude if it thrills its a thriller.
themes usually consist of the following :
*enigmas puzzles to be solves
*lone figure against the system
* conspiracy ....

here are the student videos we watched

Taken from BDC on Vimeo.

i liked the opening scene as i like the music playing over it it created a tense feeling to the audience however i felt it stopped abruptly in saying this however i wanted to know more . i liked the varied use of shots especially when the girl was climbing up the stairs and when they had a close up of the computer to emphasize the severity from this short clip i concluded that through different shots we can change the audiences idea of the whole piece.

i thought the opening sequence of this was really good i specifically
like the use of black and white and the different shots i thought this was used very effectively and i felt they fit the criteria of a thriller really well and as an audience it left you wanting to know more

intro to shot types

on our first lesson we looked at the different shot types and tried to get images to match them tis was done to enable us as students to be able to recognise the different shots and camera angles with confidence.

Extreme long shot = ELS
Long shot =LS
Medium long shot=MLS
Medium shot =MS
Medium close up =MCU
Close up=CU

Low angle


PAN= photography, panning refers to the horizontal movement or rotation of a still or video camera , or the scanning of a subject horizontally on video or a display device.

CRAB =left to right or right to left and lens stays where it is as if staying passed it

TRACKING =when you follow something (a physical track is laid down where the camera person follows using the track i. e. used in car chases

ZOOMING =lens zoom in and the camera stays the same

PED =where the whole camera moves up or down however it stays at eye level

Difference between hand held and steady cam
Steady cam is when a camera is on a harness
Hand held is literally of the tripod and filmed in your hand

Thursday 24 September 2009

introduction to me

my name is Hiba and i chose to do media studies as i fell it can benefit me allot in further life whether it be just in reviewing a film or creating my own films and music videos. i especially chose to do this course as not only does it focus on the practical side of creating it. it also focuses on the other side of evaluating the process in which you create and analysing others creations. furthermore i study musical theatre and i wanted a subject that would fit nicely alongside it.