Thursday 10 December 2009


we went to film on friday after school at samson's house with our 2 actors joel and becks we decided to wait until it was dark to start filming and then we went to the dark alleyway samson was in charge of filming i was in charge of directing and playing the stalker and percy was the technical manager.
we went to the alleyway then realised the lighting was bad so we then got a torch to shine on the scene this made the lighting better. we did a various amount of shots more than we innitially anticipated because we felt that it would be better to have allot more shots then less. after filming the following scene with the tripod we then did it hand held for the point of view shot.

we then went up to samsons room and filmed the turning of the pages of the scrap book and zoomed in on a picture of rebecca.

after this we filmed the scene of joel aka ollie eating in his living room and being watched from outside his window panting ... we then did various shots of all of these scenes and added more shots that we felt would be affective like a birds eye shot etc ...
during this we swapped rolls and i became the person filming and samson the director alongside percy and they where both technical managers ...

Thursday 3 December 2009


1. LS (Long Shot)- Scrap book. (Music ??)

2.MCU (Medium close up) - Scrapbook turning pages
3. CU (Close up) - Of a photo (with titles in front)
4. MCU ( Medium close up) - Scrapbook turning pages
5. CU (Close up) - Of a photo (with titles in front)
6.MCU (Medium close up) - Scrapbook turning pages


7.CU (Close up) - Photo

Fades out into..

8.POV (Point of view) of Stalker - Following Rebecca
9.Two shot- Of Rebecca and stalker behind her walking on phone.
10.Long shot - From behind the stalker following Rebecca (non digetic, phone call of Rebecca saying, "shes being followed" , it muffles then it goes silent)
11.POV (Point of view) of antagonist running behind protagonist moving forward past her.

12.MCU (Medium close up) - Scrapbook turning page


13.CU (Close up) - Photo of Rebecca and Ollie in scrap book. (non digetic, voice mail message of detective saying " Ollie should be careful and should phone the detective back")

Fades out into....

14.POV (Point of view) of Stalker- Voyeuristic shot of Ollie eating chinese through window
15.MCU (Medium close up) -Of Ollie eating and just general relaxation
16.OTS (Over the shoulder shot) - Of Ollie eating and watching tv
17.CU (Close up) Answering machine bleeping.
18. EC ( Extreme close up) Of red light on answering machine.


production planning and prop list and location

This is our Production Schedule, where we specify, where we film, when when we film, what we film & who is included in the filming.

1. The first day of filming
Date: friday the 4th december
Time:3pm-7:00pm the latest
Location: samsons house
we will be filming the scene in samson's house of the man at home eating chinease food and stalker watching from the window we will then film the scene in the alley way with the stalker following the woman. we will also film the scrap book scene at samsons house.
The props we will be using on this date is,
- answering machine
- romote control
- chinease
- scrap book and a picture of percy and rebecca
- rebecca to where some formal clothes
-mobile phone
-black hoody

2. The second day of filming
Date: saturday 5th of december 2009
Time: ?
Location: samsons house this day might not happen if we finish our shooting on friday however if not we will finish it all on saturday.
props the same as yesterday

After doing all of this we will then see if there are any parts that we want to be re filmed or re done or if we changed some certain shots or wanted to add extra things.